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Value Based Care Platform Modernization

The platform is used to identify risk scoring and used for collecting different patient data like encounter, assessments, care plan and more. 

Our services are built around the measurement of quality care metrics and performance indicators. We are experienced in tracking patient satisfaction, health outcomes, and other vital data points to ensure top-tier care delivery. 

Value Addition to Healthcare: Our approach aims to add value to the healthcare industry by aligning care practices with value-based principles. This enhancement leads to improved patient outcomes, cost management, and overall healthcare quality in the context of elderly care. 

Worked on multiple modules associated with Value Based Care Reporting like ​ 

  • Care Planning, ​ 
  • Assessment, ​ 
  • Encounter Notes, ​ 
  • Medication management, ​ 
  • Model of care reporting, ​ 
  • eFAX integrations​ 
  • Claims integration ​ 

Created multiple integrations across different systems for establishing data communication between EHRs & Billing leveraging Mirth Connect Engine on AWS​.

​Some of the HL7 messages Taliun team handled are ADT, ORU and DFT messages from a Claim resource that were sent to a destination SFTP. 


  1. We became a strategic partner for the company while company is expanding its footprint in Value Based Care market
  2. Streamlined the integration across systems, resulted in timely execution of claims electronically


  1. Technologies: Mirth Connect, Python, Django, Django Rest Framework, React, Postgres, AWS​
  2. Team Size: 15+ & growing
  3. Domain Skills: Displayed expertise of various HL7 messages, CCDA, FHIR
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